Thursday, August 9, 2007

Blog Fun with the First Letter of Your Name!!

I saw this over on Nancy’s Blog and thought it would be fun to play since I haven’t uploaded any new projects lately...actually I’ve been working on projects for my first stamp camp in over a year!! It’s scheduled for Aug 25th and I’m REALLY looking forward to treating my stamping friends/customer to some F³


For each question your answer has to start with the same letter that your first name starts with. For boy/girl names the name can't be the same as your own. I challenge you to try this out with YOUR name.

Your Name: Donna
Famous Artist/Band/Musician: Depeche Mode
4 letter word: Dung (I really couldn’t think of anything else!)
Vehicle: Durango
TV SHOW: Dexter (Showtime Series about a Forensic guy who works for the Miami PD who is a serial killer who kills other serial killers because they deserve it) It’s actually funny & entertaining!
City/Town: Donna, TX
Boy Name: Donald (My dad’s name, who I was named after)
Girl Name: Debra
Occupation: Daredevil
Something you wear: Diamonds!
Celebrity: Dustin Hoffman (who turned 70 this week- can you believe it!? Heard it on the radio)
Food: Dinuguan (Filipino food – beware, don’t eat it unless you like beef blood) I accidentally did once
Something found in a kitchen: dishcloth
Reason for Being Late: Dog had an accident on me
Cartoon Character: Dora the Explorer
Something You Shout: Dang! Pin It

1 comments on "Blog Fun with the First Letter of Your Name!!"

Ashley on 10:32 PM CDT said...

I'll play along. Check out my answers on my blog.

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