It's been such a long time since I gave away some goodies here so I have been gathering them up here & there - and now I present them to you, maybe YOU will win them!! There's a brand new unmounted SU! set Along the Same Lines (hostess set from last year, I believe), a brand new See-D's Inque Boutique set (can't find a link of the set but just discovered that Inque Boutique was sold *sad*) it's a real nice set and it's never been used, pretty flowers), Falling For You Sophia by Paper Pretties, a 2x stamper by JustRite I won in my goodie basket that was duplicated, assortment of ribbons, some felt snowflakes, ribbon, embellishments & dp from the current holiday mini. How can you win? Leave a comment on this post by Tuesday, Nov. 4
1. Tell me one thing you're looking forward to on Halloween this year for one entry
2. Spread the news of my blog candy on your blog for a 2nd entry (but please be sure to post the link in the comments section with a link to your blog entry)
I will shoot for announcing a winner Friday Nov. 7-once I get back from vacation & check all the entries. Good Luck!
Edited to add 11/05/08: Closing post to tally up entries & will post winner soon!

82 comments on "Blog Candy Just Because"
Ok, looks like I am the first one...that is okay :)! I think the thing that I love most about Halloween is that we goto our church to participate in a fun program. It is called "Halloween Harvest for the Hungry", we go door to door collecting canned goods for our metro food bank. This is run through our churches Youth Group :)!It is an annual event and we participate in it every year. Don't worry we don't turn away candy, so yes the kids still get candy too.
I am adding the link to my blog right now :)!
This year for Halloween my son will be two and a half so it will be the first year he will really understand what it is all about. I cant wait to see how happy he gets when people give him candy just for saying "Trick or Treat!!". Thank you for offering up such great blog candy and I will be posting a link to it on my blog today!!
I'm looking forward to the horror movie marathon! :)
Here's my 2nd entry! http://bunnymoney9.blogspot.com/2008/10/serenity-in-stamping.html
Thanks for the chance!
I am looking forward to Halloween being on Friday so we can stay up late and sleep in!
I'm looking forward to Halloween this year because my brothers are coming to visit and it's my older brother's birthday. It's been a while since my parents will have all three of us together.
And who could forget the candy! I love candy. :o)
What I love most about Halloween? My sister works at an emergency shelter for children. Every year she brings a few kids to my house and we take the kids around the neighborhood to get some candy. I love being around them.
I also want to get a chance to say, that I love your blog, you always have such wonderful creations. Thanks for the chance to win some candy. I've also posted a link on my site.
I am looking forward to Halloween because it makes the second year of marriage for my husband and I!
A tradition we started years ago when our boys were small was to make some candy and take it to some of the elderly folks from our church. The kids still had the fun of dressing up but our focus was to bless some folks that were often overlooked and spend some time with them. My boys are too "old" to dress up now but they still want to tag along with their sisters as we continue our tradition. It has finally become a day to look forward to for us.
OHhhhh what awesome candy Donna! Pick me! LOL! I hope you have a wonderful trip and cant wait to hear all about it my friend!
As for Halloween, I look forward to the week long of scarey movies! and seeing all the little kids dressed up! I used to enjoy dressing my daughter up, but dont have that to do anymore, lol!
Do you want a different post for when we get it on our blog? Ill get mine up here in just a bit!
Awesome goodies!
Have a great vacation!
I am looking forward to taking my daughter trick or treating. Last year I dressed up with her and we had so much fun! She has probably changed her mind on what she is going to dress up as about 50 times! I do not have one yet, any suggestions for a homemade costume?
Whoops! I forgot the include the link to my blog!
I am looking forward to see my little son's excitement of participating in Halloween festivities.
I am looking forward to see my little son's excitement of participating in Halloween festivities.
Hi, I love seeing the children dressed up and see their creativity come alive. My kids are college age and older so I won't get to see them dressed up this year but I'll enjoy the kids that come to our home. Thank you!
Actually i'm jewish and here, in Israel , we are not celebrating halloween.
But I truely look forward to see your beautiful halloween designs.
My post about this candy
I am so looking forward to spending the weekend up in Door COunty this Halloween- and babysitting those adorable Grandchildren of mine.Just seeing Nathan age 5 and Kalei age 3 are
enough to makes anyone smile!
Kathy-Elgin IL
I'm so excited to see my 1 year old in his costume! He is going to look so cute!
What I love most about Halloween is taking my kids trick-or-treating. My older two have outgrown the door-to-door thing, so I am cherishing the time I have left to take my younger two. Thanks for the chance to win!
trick or treaters they are so darn cute - thanks for chance to win
Awesome candy!
Well we as a family do not celebrate Halloween. We do however try to go to Chucky Cheese every Halloween, since that is a restaurant that doesn't decorate for the holidays. My boys love this little tradition.
I love to see all the little kids dressed up for Halloween, but I especially love that I don't have to go out anymore because my son is told old for trick or treat! I can stay in the warm house and just give out the candy. :)
It is always great to open the door to see what creature is on the other side. Then for the gremlins to actually say, "Thank you!" after getting their treats is a treat in return.
Thanks, Jan
I'm looking forward to my Fla. born son braving the cold on his 1st Halloween in Ontario..I bet his costume will never be warm enuff..lol.You are such a sweetie for sharing your loot.
i can't wait to take pictures of my pretty princess and my scary skeleton! halloween is so much fun
thanks for the chance to win, this is a lotta loot!
This Halloween, I will look forward to seeing all the kids in their really cute costumes...and hoping we don't have too many kids to that we can eat the leftovers, lol!!
I'm looking forward to how darn cute Tinkerbelle and Peter Pan will look when I actually get the costumes done!
I am looking forward to trick-or-treating with a group of neighbors and then gather at one house after to eat chili and let the kids sit around and swap candy.
Well, blog candy is year round...not just halloween. Best of all no calories.
I'm looking forward to trick or treating with my boys who are both autistic and for the first time, they both are "into" the trick or treating fun. What a blessing to me :)
I'm looking forward to our traditional Halloween. I start chili in the crockpot about 8 am and smell it bubbling away all day. Grandparents come over around 5, kids do a fashion show, lots of photos snapped. Trick or treat time then warm up with yummy chili and spicy cornbread. Dessert is cake and what candy we pilfer from the kids' loot. lol
What nice goodies you are giving away! Please please please, I want to win!
For Halloween, I am looking forward to babysitting my neighbors new baby. she is 9 weeks old. Mom and Dad are going to a party!
thanks for the chance to win!
Jennifer L.
I LOVE seeing all the bity kids--you know the ones. They are being carried by parents or are just starting to toddle. Last year, I had the cutest little guy come up and say "thank you" instead of "trick or treat".
I gave a shout out for your candy. see it here: http://loyaz1.blogspot.com/
I'm looking forward to hearing from the grandkids - how much they liked their cards and Halloween creations...It's hard when they live 2000 miles away.
Ok, got you linked up my friend! Here is the link to my post! Are you excited now? You leaving TOMORROW! yay!!
Hope you have a great vacation. I am a new reader of your blog but don't have a site of my own yet. I am kind of an OLD newbie to this stuff.
What a nice opportunity to win some wonderful blog candy. Thanks for being so sharing. I have one justrite stamp set so far. Like I said, I am a newbie at this blog stuff.
Shelby Dunning
I'm looking forward to watching my daughter enjoy Halloween! She's almost three, and while she won't be going out, I know she'll enjoy answering the door and giving out candy.
I've added your giveaway to this post on my blog.
I'm looking forward to the excited children all dressed up who I get to pass candy out to. It's always fun to see their costumes and how excited they get with the yummy candy!! Makes me wish I was a little kid again, emmm candy!!!
Just looking forward to sitting back and relaxing and handing out some treats if we get any treaters . My baby is 14 this year so not sure if he will go out trick or treating or not !
i can't wait to see my kids all dressed up. So much fun!!!
Thanks for the chance at great blog candy!!!!
Halloween falls on our Friday Family night this year. So my daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids will be coming to my house. (My son lives with us.) We will be eating dinner together and then taking the grandkids trick or treating. We shall see how they do this year. (They are 3 and 18 months.)
Thanks for a chance to win some candy and have a great day.
fun goodies! My son just turned four months, so I'm looking forward to ringing Grandma & Grandpa's doorbell & showing him off in hiscute pumpkin outfit....I know I'm a dork ;)
My kids are almost grown now so they don't trick or treat anymore, but I am looking forward to seeing all the local kids in their costumes and handing out some fun candy.
thanks for sharing.
ceashark at aol dot com
Where I live we don't celebrate Halloween. Looking at many different blogs, I have bee blown away at the enormous range of Halloween cards and activities that are going on.
Anne. dinkuminkum at yahoo dot co dot nz
This year I am looking forward to dressing up like an Angel with my daughter and seeing her reaction to all the costumes and festivities. Last year was her first Halloween, but she was living in the NICU at the hospital, so this is her first Halloween "outside". ;) I linked up your blog on my post for today. It's here: http://angiesaspiringart.blogspot.com/2008/10/birthdays-and-raks.html
I look forward to the candy! definitely the scary movies! turning off all the lights and getting scared!!!!
We don't have children so no costumes. And we live out in the woods so we never have trick-or-treaters. But I do like to carve pumpkins anyway and see them lit up on the porch at night. That's my fave thing about Halloween.
Thanks for the opportunity to win your blog candy.
Halloween this year means an evening of rest from two weeks of constant appointments, committments, etc :-) My children are grown and married with their own children, but I would love to see how the little ones react to Trick 'O Treating around their neighborhood. The blog candy looks wonderful; thanks for your generosity.
I am looking forward to seeing little kids all dressed up and trick or treating. They are so cute!
I am looking forward to attending the annual Autumn Festival at my church which is an alternative to treat or treating. There are games, prizes, and goodies to eat.
I am looking forward most of all to seeing my son dress up as a mouse and march around in his first costume parade at school. Unfortunately I can't see him in person because I have to work. My hubby will be video taping it for me.
Well, since my kids are now adults and away from home, my favorite thing about Halloween is seeing the small children all dressed up in their costumes and so excited!! I really miss those days!
Awesome blog candy, thank you so much for the chance to win!
I'm looking forward to the yummy candy!
This Halloween I am looking forward to decorating the Halloween cookies with my kids. We try to come up with the funniest faces for our pumpkins. Last year we had a pirate and a vampire.
I'm looking forward to dressing my one month old up like a tiger...so cute. I loved watching my oldest son carve his own pumpking this year, very serious work. I'll post about your candy on my blog.
I just enjoy seeing all the cute costumes and the unique costumes that some people make. I love decorating the house for halloween.
I love to see all the different costumes come to the door.
I was looking forward to spending the evening with my 20 month old nephew and seeing him in his lion costume, and I did! We had a great time with him tonight. :)
Since I'm not feeling well, I am just looking forward to Halloween being over. My twins are 12 now, so there's no costumes or cute pix, and they're doing separate things this year, for the first time ever, so it's kinda sad. I think I'll just go scrap a previous year's halloween.
We always have lots of cute small children come trick or treating. This year we had around 200! Our Beagle puppy named Daisy, was dressed as a Bumblebee. The children really enjoyed seeing her. Daisy didn't like the Bee Wings on her costume, though!
Please enter me in your delightful blog candy drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
One word " Snickers" is what I am looking forward too
Thanks for the opportunity to win some candy first off! I so look forward to Halloween each year. We live in a Hilly area only our neighborhood is flat. We also live next door to a person to dresses as batman and puts on a full production from the rooftop, with fog machines, light insignia shining in the trees of bat symbol, walkie talkies to relay childs name and send candie down a long pipe into a bucket for ea child to retrieve candy from batman! We decorate our house all up also (not super heros though). Our kids are grown and gone, but oh we sooo love all the little ones who come to get candy! They are soo sweet and so darling in all their outfits. Our candy bill is outrageous...but worth it for the fun. We get about 300 trick or treaters at least, and no matter how much candy we buy we always run out!! LOL It is something we totally enjoy every year...
i most look forward to seeing adorable little kids going trick or treating!
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
I look forward to seeing the little ones in their costumes and seeing their eyes light up when you give them candy. I've linked you to my blog.
What I always look forward to is the excitement of the kids- when they dress up, when they trick-or-treat, and when they check out all thier "loot" so much fun...
I was looking forward to seeing all the cute outfits that kids were dressed as, and indeed i saw a bunch of adorable ones, like elmo, a firefighter, clifford the big red dog, and a duck even!
We don't celebrate Halloween here in Belgium, but my sister's birthday is also on October 31st so we did have a great party yesterday. Here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win! Hugs, Annelies
I always look forward to the pumpkin carvings and seeing all the creative costumes!
This year I am going to a party so I look forward to that! Good weather too which doesn't happen on Halloween a lot!!
Taking pictures of the grandkids in costume is the best!
My daughter's first trick-or-treat!
I love Halloween because everyone is in a great mood. At work, we have competition on who can decorate the best pumpkin. I really enjoy the trick or treaters.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Linda Peterson
When my son was young, I use to like to make his Halloween costumes. My favorite was the year he was Humpty Dumpty, a favorite character of his when he was two. He is now almost twenty so the costume days are way over, but I do enjoy getting a care package together for him at college to celebrate Halloween.
We started a tradition by trick-or-treating at a neighbor's house who has NEVER had any trick-or-treaters! (We live in the country, we have never had one either...)Anyhow, she is a para-ed at the gradeschool, and my 2 children have teased her now for 2 years about tricking her...so...it's becoming a tradition, and we all look forward to stopping by!
Awesome blog candy!!!
I was looking forward to seeing Gaven in his UPS uniform and the fact that we got pics of him in a UPS truck is just beyond perfect!
Two more days friend...can't wait!
This year is a halloween I will not forget in a while. I helped my best friend pack up and move away. I got home so late, I didn't have time to pass out candy.
I'm looking forward to seeing my daughter go door to door trick or treating for the first time this year!!!!
Cheryl KVD
I was looking forward to seeing my daughter get 'it' this year. She did and I couldn't stop laughing she was so funny.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
i'm a retired elem school teacher, so of course i look forward to seeing those cute little 'goblins' when they come to the door trick or treating! thanks for chance to win the blog candy! :-)
I was able to see my one-year old niece in the cute, pink, fluffy Disney princess outfit (complete with tiara) and the John Deere boots I bought for her. She was quite a sight. Everyone got a chuckle out of it.
This was my first Halloween handing out candy in my own place. It was a lot of fun!
OMGgosh, I just made it in time! You are simply the sweetest, girl! Thanks for being so generous and giving us all the chance to win some wonderful goodies! :) hugs!
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