O.K. it's finally my turn to say THANK YOU for visiting my blog! It's been so fun posting & chatting with other bloggers out there, I honestly never thought I'd do something like this but I have enjoyed it a lot. I'd like you to post a comment to this thread telling me about the BEST thing you've ever won & what impact it made on you. I have to say 4 different ones because I can't just say one. I'll choose one of those handy dandy random pickers (my DH) on Sunday evening at 7:00 central time to choose a winner & post that evening **edited because we leave for CA on Thursday & I need to get the box out way before then**
I'll also give away a little something extra (to be determined) to a winner who refers someone to Donna's Delectable Delights & they reference the referral on their post!!! So tell your friends about my giveaway!!!
1. I won $300 in a Christmas main dish food contest (I felt bad because my mom's friend had made the Teriyaki meat but he was happy for me & told me to keep the $). P.S. the cheesecake I made won $50 and I was proud of that!
2. I won the first pick of a prize at a company Christmas party when I was in my early 20's - I chose a camcorder. It was so special because I was able to record precious family memories.
3. My Faux Postage Summer by the Sea girl was highlighted in a Stampin' Up! Stamping Succcess Issue back in April 2005. Funny thing was, they credited a Donna Baker in Bakersfield, CA for the card & she hadn't sent anything to them! I ended up getting an additional stamp set free for their error & they published a correction in the next issue. It was such an honor for my little 'ol card to be in there!!!
4. My name was drawn for a free plane ticket at work March 31 2006 (owner had a free voucher). I found out at 2:00 p.m. & was on a plane to see my oldest pregnant sister in CA when she was 8+ months by 7:00 that evening!! I rushed home early to wash clothes & pack in a hurrry! It was a special weekend!!
Included in the giveaway is:
Yellow & White Daisy S & P Shakers by Pfaltzgraff
Maya Road Paisley chipboard
2 4" square chipboard coasters
Assorted chipboard shapes
Assorted colored/shaped brads
Assorted gold/silver finish charms
Mono refill
Love expression stickers
Summer package decorations
Summer Primas!
Green R.S.V.P. pen filled with bright colored beads
Silver & Turquoise Earrings (handmade by Moi)
Matching Silver & Turquoise Scissor or Cell Phone Charm (handmade by Moi)

45 comments on "3,000+ hits - it's time for Donna's Delectable Delights!!!"
I would say the best thing I've ever won was an acrylic stamp set, which was blog candy. I abosolutely cherish it! I've never won anything big, but I appreciate every little thing. Thanks!
Cheryl KVD
I would have to say that the best thing I ever won was 3rd place in the CST Yahoo Group Christmas Card Contest. I won a gift certificate from Stamp & Scrap Canada. That was the first thing I had ever won and then to win it for a card I created was so exciting for me.
I haven't been a big winner but I did win a tote bag full of cool stuff from the Oprah magazine once - that was pretty cool. We also won tickets to the Daytona 500 one year and had a great time - even in the heat!
The best thing I've ever won was the scholarship that's currently paying my tuition at university.
Hmm... haven't been a big winner. But I did win a set of pretty baby clothing when I was 11 yrs. And soon after that I became a big sister for a beautiful baby boy. I was so proud to be able to give something nice for my new baby brother. Memories... =o)
My Hubby wins stuff and I get stuff for free! so let me think.. WE won a radio at the last taping of the X files in Vancouver.
The best thing I ever won was a Precious Moments doll, worth quite a bit of money. I was collecting them at the time and had never won anything prior to that, so it was quite a thrill to win, and to win something that significant.
The best thing that I ever won was a Purple Cow 2-in-1 trimmer. I don't know that it's had a major impact on my life, but it sure has made my papercrafting a heck of a lot easier. I use it everyday and feel fortunate to have won it.
The best thing I won was worth $5,000. Half of it was in the form of a spa gift certificate ($2500) and the other half was in American Express gift cards. I used the spa gift certificate to get laser hair removal on my legs & bikini area. I am still in the process of having this done, but let me tell you - not having to shave every day has been a major time saver! I can't wait for the day that there will never be any more hair!
The best thing I've ever won was a trip to the SuperBowl at the Rose Bowl in California. It was an awesome FREE trip! Thanks and Congrats on the success of your blog!
I have not won anything excep my husband's heart. That was the biggest prize of all. We have been happily married for 32 years. Who could ask for anything more.
Hi Donna! I recently found your blog, thanks to Allison :)
I'm so glad you shared that postage girl card...simply lovely!
The best thing I ever won was a Grandmother Clock (smaller than a grandfather) at the grand opening of a Furniture store. It was exactly the style of the furniture I already had. Something I would have admired, but would never have bought for myself!
I haven't won many things in life, but I won a Stampress from Lisa Johnson at Poppy Paperie. I was so excited when I saw my name on her blog as a winner. I'm still figuring it out, but it's sure fun so far!
Also, Donna, I was coming to tell you thank you for my wonderful birthday card! I'll also spread the word of your current candy in today's post.
I like to think that I am a "winner" in life (I'm a glass is half full kinkd of person!). Tangibly I have won some recipe contests.
I won a $500 jackpot at a casino. I thought that was pretty cool.
I rarely win anything but in 2nd grade I won a set of copper bottom pots and my mother loved them.
Oh, wait...in 2005 at CHA I won a pink trunk from Chatterbox filled with product, that was the best prize...EVAH!!
The only thing I have ever won in my life is a some blog candy...to which I am surprised and grateful! Sure hope I'm lucky this time!!
Now come to think of it, I have won some things in my life. My most recent one was a very cute stamp as a blog candy!
I won at a company function $100.00 is cash. that is the most I have ever won. If I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have luck at all :)
A Smoky the Bear stuffed animal at the State fair when I was 8...let's see that was um...38 years ago....I don't think I have it any more....shucks.
I've had my name drawn in two blog candy contests. Won a stamp and some chipboard accents. Not huge things but they made me smile.
The only 2 things I have ever won was a cute bunny card at Cambria's blog and a small tent for camping which I returned for a coffee maker instead! I'm not that lucky I guess!
The best thing I ever won was the heart of my husband because he and my daughter are the best things in my life...sappy I know but it is true.
Hmmm...I "won" several scholarships in grad school. I was shortlisted for a provincial one...since I didn't get it, my university gave me an assistantship position and another scholarship (where no work was required). As luck would have it, I got off the short list and won the provincial scholarship too...what luck (esp. since they usually like to spread the wealth since everyone in grad school usually had an A average...competition was always stiff!).
I would hafta say the best thing I ever won was my husbands heart and boy he is a keeper...lol does house work and now is dabbling in stamping.....What a prize to win. I will send my friend cheryl over
O.K. so the first thing I can remember winning is (this may date me but oh well) was a set of electric hair curlers, when I attended a bride show mmmm do I have to tell the year! Well anyway I have sort of won things here and there but I don't remember oh wait last year I remember winning a basket that had spilled over and was more like 3 baskets full of goodies that my garden club had collected...pretty neat now that I remember it :) But nothing to do with stamping and I would certainly remember that because I would want to create something SPECIAL...
The best thing I ever won was blog candy that contained a stamp set. How exciting it was because I had never used the clear stamps before and a block was even included. I was sent here by Kathy, who is my stampin' buddy. We send each other to all the great blogs. Thanks so much.
Pick me, pick me!!!!!! Ok, I really haven't won anything. I did win a consolation prize from Gina K when she gave away blog candy. I really don't gamble so I've never really won any money and I never get lucky when I buy raffle tix. So, have pity on me and pick me!
Wow- you're a pretty lucky person to have won all those things! I won $1000 on a poker machine in Vegas, the first time I was there- that was exciting. I was referred here by Melissa (stampingthroughthetulips.blogspot.com)- great blog!
I think the best thing I ever won was tickets to see Stars on Ice for my daughter and I. She and I both loved it.
The best thing I ever won was $1200 in a drawing when we were in the process of remodeling a house and really needed it! Never have won any blog candy...would love to :)
We went to Disneyland in "85" for their 30th Birthday celebration. We had 2 day passes. The first day we went thru the gates my 6 yr. old daughter was guest #300 & won plush Mickey & Minnie dolls. The next day she said a prayer that her brother would win a prize too. We walked thru & he was guest #300,000 and won a car! Since he was only 10 yrs. old, I was the one that drove it:) The biggest prize I personally won, was a ski vacation worth $1,200.
Linda SS
I guess when I was in College I won tickets to see Ozzy Osbourn concert. Now I really didnt care for him, but he was my baby sisters favorite group and althought I was in college and she was too far away and too young to go, I went with a friend, took many many pics and got her some t-shirts and other stuff and it really made me so happy to see the look on her face when I gave them all to her...
I would say that the best thing I have ever won by far was two years ago. The local radio station was giving away a heat pump and I won! What a shock. I had started a new job and didn't get to hear my name called but other people called and told me about it. What a thrill!!! Sandra Ryder
The best thing I ever won was $1,000 from 94.7 WCSX to pay bills in January of 2006. It was the best because at the time my dh still was out of work from 5/5/04 and I was the sole source of income.
The best thing I won was 2 years ago I won an all expenses paid trip to North Carolina for a NASCAR race. I won the trip from Volvo it was AWESOME, got to see the man "cat in the hat" himself had lunch with Greg Biffle, the only part that sucked was I was pregant at the time and couldn't enjoy the "free drinks" while watching the race from the suite!
Jenny Wrona
Oh yeah, Gina Wrona sent me to this site!
I haven't won very many things, but I did win some blog candy from Beate and I was SO excited! I couldn't believe that my name was there! I felt like I won the lottery! :)
I won a small black and white TV back in the 80's because someone on my paper route nominated me as a great delivery person *my mom made me take each paper to the person's front door* UGH. Made me learn that sometimes you are rewarded for working really hard.
I have only ever won blog candy, which I think is pretty cool!! Nice blog, I'll be back to check it out more often!
I have not been one of those lucky people who win things all the time! But I did win a stamps set,cardstock and ribbon the other day from Kim. I am still waiting to get it in the mail! But wow....I had to read the post a few times to make sure it really was me! I was soo happy that I won such a nice blog candy. It is nice to know that there are still some very generous people out there.
Hmmm let's see. I won the fight forest fires poster contest when I was in first grade! Can you believe it? My fire engine racing to a burning house won! I got to meet smokey the bear. My goodness I remember him (and that's saying a lot after 2 kids!!). Sigh... wish I were young (okay, maybe not THAT young hehhe)again.
This is easy for me! The best thing I have ever won was an award for teaching called The Golden Apple. I won that award in 2004. The whole process completely changed me as a teacher and a person! It was quite an honor to win this to say the least!
I won a scholarship to to go college where I graduated with a B.A. more than 20 years ago! Sandra Lew-Moll
A funny thing happened just yesterday. I called a local radio station with a request to play a song. The DJ answered & said, "Congratulations, you are caller #20". I had no idea that a game was going on so I was completely tongue-tied, but I won tickets to a concert.
Hi! Found your blog through Spazz's blog, and I found hers through Splitcoast.
Anyhoo.... I haven't ever won anything really big, but last summer I did win 2 tickets to Holiday World through a Radio station. That was kinda cool.
But I think even more than that, I was super thrilled to have Donna Downey draw my name at a crop to win one of her books. She signed it right there. Just love her.
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